How can I control my oily skin?

My skin just started to oil (it never did this) up at the beginning of the school year, and my skin has been breaking out like crazy since. It gets really oily about halfway through school, so, WHAT CAN I DOO??? Some easy home remedies might be nice.

you want a cleanser with Beta Hydroxy, it is the only product known to disolve facial oil, Neutrogena has a couple good ones.
You also want to use an astringent everyday if you’re still breaking out, Ten O Six is the best, by Bonnie Bell.
However, do not over dry, this will make your skin create more oil and you’ll get large pores.

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3 Responses to How can I control my oily skin?

  1. GilmoreGirlsFan says:

    Facial masks every night, made with egg shells and honey.
    References :

  2. out of your league says:

    you want a cleanser with Beta Hydroxy, it is the only product known to disolve facial oil, Neutrogena has a couple good ones.
    You also want to use an astringent everyday if you’re still breaking out, Ten O Six is the best, by Bonnie Bell.
    However, do not over dry, this will make your skin create more oil and you’ll get large pores.
    References :

  3. Sophie L says:

    u can get rice paper at cosmetics stores or drug stores – they soak up the oil on your face
    References :

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