Exercises For Great Legs

Then Fun and Easy Way to Great Legs


Welcome to my new S61XL mass gain program! This series is for the hardcore intermediate or advanced bodybuilders who wants to gain muscle and is willing to work hard to get it.  If your gains have stagnated and you are having trouble making progress this series is for you! If you hate coming up with workouts but still want to work out hard, this series is for you! The videos in this series are complete workouts, just press play and follow along.

Please do not attempt these S61XL workouts unless you have been weight lifting five days a week for at least a year. Beginners would be much better off with my beginning workout plan. It takes time to build up the tendons and joints to withstand this kind of punishment and you will get injured if you start this program before your body is ready. I’m going to focus on some unusual workouts that even a pro bodybuilder would find challenging. Most bodybuilders make the mistake of not mixing their workouts up enough and get stuck in the three-sets-of-eight rut or the one-rep-max rut. Its best to do these workouts at home but do them at a gym if thats your only option. Home is much better because you can completely eliminate the wasted time running between machines or waiting for equipment. These workouts are designed so that they only require inexpensive used weights, nothing fancy. I guarantee you that if you incorporate these unusual workouts into your training program once a month or so you will see an increase in your gains. Please make sure your expectations are reasonable though!

For best results, dont use these workouts every week but rather use them at most once a month. A good workout plan for an advanced bodybuilder might be to workout every bodypart once a week and to follow this progression

Week 1 – Lift heavy, work on one rep max and low rep sets (under 5 reps)

Week 2 – Normal, 3 sets of 8 workouts

Week 3 – Drop sets on every exercise – 3 sets of 8, no rest drop 25% weight & do 8 more reps, drop another 25% weight and do final 8 reps

Week 4 – Do S61XL workout

This insures that each muscle is constantly being bombarded and confused, a very old technique but just as valuable today as it was 200 years ago.

Please check out my free website:

Duration : 0:44:40



I was hesitant to put straight bar curls up. This is an effective biceps exercise which you should sparingly.

People who perform straight bar curls more than once every couple weeks are more likely to develop wrist problems.

Since dumbbells allow freedom of motion at your wrists they are a safer way to build your biceps. Since you cannot supinate with a barbell as you curl, dumbbells may be a better overall choice.

When you perform barbell curls, make sure you do not flex your wrists to keep the tension on your biceps.

Take a slightly wider than shoulder width grip and keep your elbows in at your sides while you perform biceps curls.

Keep your core, glutes, and shoulders tight while you perform barbell curls.

No rocking, you are not “reverse power cleaning”

Again, especially if you work a desk job with lots of computer use, you may want to refrain from using straight bar curls in your weight training program.

Personal Trainer Michael Behnken, MS, NASM-CPT-PES, CSCS


Duration : 0:0:53


Bodybuilding exercise: home barbell curls workout

posted by on December 03rd, 2009

The barbell curl is a great mass building exercise for the arms you can do at home with just an inexpensive barbell set. Form is key on this, most folks at the gym use terrible form. In this exercise, your elbows are pinned to your sides – the do not move one bit. Nothing moves except your your forearms. Your back, legs, head are all completely motionless. If you have to swing or bounce then you are using way too much weight.

As with any dumbbell exercise, form is key if you want to maximize your muscle building efforts and minimize the chance of injury. Don’t use too much weight, if you can’t do the exercise slowly then you need to go lighter. Count aloud “one onethousand, two onethousand, three onethousand” on the way up and the way down, if you cant do this on this exercise then you are using too much weight. The reason this exercise method maximizes your muscle growth is because it confines the motion to the muscle you are trying to work out, if your body squirms, swings, and kicks, all you are doing is taking the focus away from the muscle you are trying to exercise.

Anyone can be healthier, have more energy, sleep better, and feel better about themselves through bodybuilding. Bodybuilding doesn’t have to be expensive or take a lot of time, gyms are great but home workouts can save you time and money. A cheap dumbbell set from a garage sale or walmart is all it takes to get started with your home workouts.

For more information on home workouts, please see my free website (no advertising either):


Limitation of Liability: Consult with your doctor before starting any exercise program! I am not a medical professional. It is your responsibility to critically evaluate this information and with the help of your physician decide if it is appropriate for you.

Duration : 0:0:40
